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R Parthasarthy


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R. Parthsarathy hails from a family of musicians and began learning on the fretted Indian string instrument called the "Veena" from a very early age.  He learned under the tutelage of his father, Mr. V. Raghavan, a well known veena virtuoso. Mr. R. Parthasarathy's unique skill on the veena comes from his ability to effectively use the "string bend" technique.  With a measured, perfectly executed "bend" of the veena string, Mr. Parthasarathy achieves remarkably smooth phrases which adds a greater dimension to the music. Although Mr. Parthsarathy uses this "string bend" technique widely throughout his performances, he has also mastered a wide variety of other techniques. He displays a combination of the best techniques of the great veena masters of earlier years including S. Balachander and Doraiswamy Iyengar. Mr. Parthsarathy’s unique style has enthralled audiences at home and abroad. He is recognized by All India Radio as a high caliber artist (being given the distinction of A grade). His frequent involvement in the world of modern film music, jazz festivals and instrumental ensembles has expanded his musical perspective. His musical curiousity and dedication have made him a favorite of audiences worldwide.

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